The Blog of All Blogs (#100!)
To commemorate the 100th blog of, I have written “The Blog of All Blogs”—literally. Here is a complete list of all previous blogs (minus a few event announcements).
They are categorized by topic, allowing viewers easy access to the topics they have questions about. The list is always available at this page, which is under the “resources” tab of the website as shown below. Happy reading!

- 6 word clouds about honor & shame in the Bible
- Honor & Shame 101-short explainer video
- Honor & Shame 201-a training video
- The Culture Test
- Back to God’s Village–gospel video
- Free Reference Bookmark
- #HonorTheology-join the conversation
- JANGLED-a short evangelistic film by CRU
- Christianity Today cover story about Shame, by Andy Crouch
- Mission Frontiers issue “The Power of Honor”
- 3 posts about shame at Ed Stetzer
- ION Book: Honor-Shame & Orality
- Get Face! (an evangelistic video)
- (an academic blogsite)
- 5 rude things honor-shame cultures say
- Charlie Hebdo and Being Human
- Individualism vs. collectivism
- Ascribed honor vs. achieved honor (LeBron touches princess!)
- Who?, not What?–the key cultural distinction (part two)
- Guilt, shame, & fear–the 3 culture types explained
- The meaning of work in honor-shame cultures
- Honorism (not capitalism) as the key socio-economic system
- How honor-shame cultures dialogue (i.e., challenge-riposte)
- 8 traits of honor-shame cultures
- Data on global culture types (results of The Culture Test)
- 5 kinds of honor-shame cultures
- The geography of shame: Eastern vs. Western
- Culture profiles: Ireland, Cambodia, Botswana
- Hospitality in Afghanistan (a news story)
- Bibliography of honor-shame resources for Africa
- ISIS-terrorizing, or shaming?
- God Face? (an anthropology of “face”)
- 7 subcultures of shame in America
- Shame anxiety–the cost of unequal wealth
- Why Western theology neglects honor
Bible & Theology
- Top 10 verses about honor & shame
- Popular (Mis)quoted Bible verses (Phil 4:13; 1 Pet 5:7; Prov 3:5; John 14:6)
- The language of honor & shame in the Bible
- 6 places honor & shame hide in the Bible
- The mission of God–to honor people.
- In the beginning…honor (Gen 1-2)
- The Imago Dei as “God’s face” (Gen 1)
- The shame of original sin (Gen 3)
- The disgraced human family (Gen 4-11)
- The call of Abraham…to honor (Gen 12)
- The meaning of Israel’s exodus
- 20 honor-shame truths in the Psalms
- 50 biblical proverbs about honor & shame
- Theology of honor-shame in proverbs
- How God shamed Job
- Why God shamed Job
- God’s Face (OT theology)
- Yahweh’s Counter-Cultural View of Honor & Shame
- God’s New (Testament) Face
- The incarnation
- The prodigal son (Lk 15). Part one, two, three, & four.
- The gospel in Romans
- Get Yourself Some Glory!
- Does God Slut-Shame?
- Shaming as the essence of sin
- Sin & shame
- Sin as dishonor and shame
- How shame breeds sin
- 10 ways the cross atones for shame
- Guilt, shame, & fear in the Bible
- Bonhoeffer’s theology on shame
- 5 keys to relationships in honor-shame cultures
- How (not) to be an honoring guest
- Responding well to honor challenges
- How paying money honors, and shames
Hi Jayson,
I would like to say a word on how much I appreciate your blog. This is significant and helpful work. I have finally got around to reading your 3D book. I was very impressed. This is the clearest and most accessible presentation of the 3 cultural dichotomies of Guilt, Shame and Fear that I have seen. I will be using this as a text for some of my courses for cross-cultural workers.
Mark, thanks for the encouraging word about The 3D Gospel!