#HonorTheology – Join the Chat!

The topics of honor and shame have been in the shadows of Christian theology for too long. To foster a positive conversation towards an honor-shame theology, Jackson Wu and I invite you to use #HonorTheology on Twitter and Facebook whenever posting on the topic. 
  • Read a relevant Bible verse about honor or shame?
  • Have a ministry question related to honor-shame cultures?
  • Find a good blogpost or resource about honor and shame?
  • Hear an interesting proverb about honor or shame?
If so, post it with #HonorTheology! (This will let people easily find the posts in the future.) Screen Shot 2014-11-21 at 4.53.32 PM Jackson Wu is kicking off the conversation with a theology series for 2 weeks through #HonorTheology. He is offering a concise summary of many Christian doctrines using an honor-shame lens, including various passage. Theology in 140 characters! Also follow JacksonWu4China and HonorShame on Twitter.

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