Author: HonorShame
resources for Majority World ministry
David deSilva and Jackson Wu have released new teaching videos about honor and shame in the Bible. These are great resources for people wanting a deeper, biblical understanding of honor and shame. Click the links or images below to watch on …
12 Proven Facts about Honor Cultures
Here are 12 claims about honor cultures from Honor Bound: How a Cultural Ideal Has Shaped the American Psyche (Oxford University Press, 2016) by Ryan Brown, professor of social psychology at the University of Oklahoma.In honor cultures, “men are hyper …
The 3 Kinds of Honor
The three types of honor are bad honor, good honor, and eternal honor. People use the same word “honor” for all three, and this causes confusion. Failing to note the three kinds of honor affects our discipleship and theology. So here …
The 3 Sources of Honor
Please help with improving Take this super-short survey so we can learn more about readers and your preferences. The survey takes just 77 seconds. Thanks! ~JaysonHonor is like vitamin C—you know where it comes from (oranges) and what is produces (a stronger immune …
An Olympic Lowlight
The 2016 Olympics featured some great moments—Neymar’s penalty kick, Simone Biles’ flawless acrobats, and Usain Bolt’s breakaway dashes. But this spectacle by Mongolian wrestling coaches takes the cake.In the bronze medal match (65kg, men), the Mongolian wrestler (red) won the match 7-6. …
You Owe Me…a 77-Second Survey! offers ministry resources and blog articles, FOR FREE. So, that means you have a small social debt to repay. I’ve offered you a few gifts (cognitive, not tangible), and now I’m knocking on your door…for a 77-second survey!Though I …
The 3 Dimensions of Honor
I have been writing about honor for three years now. So, I guess it’s time to define the word honor.Defining honor is like catching the wind—it is all around you, but you can’t get your hands on it. Honor is …
5 Lessons I Learned From Being a Terrible Patron
Rich (B.Th) has worked in the Arab world for 6 years and is researching patronage in Arabic language, culture and theology.Arabs look to community leaders to help them, including managers, fathers, businessmen, celebrities and teachers. My university students expected me to …
5 Lessons I Learned From Being a Terrible Patron Read more »
The Face of Shame in Brideknapping
Newsweek published the article “Grab and Run: Kyrgyzstan’s Bride’s Knapping” by photojournalist Noriko Hayashi-Panos (Nov 4, 2013). The images capture the sentiments and power of shame. Bride knapping occurs primarily in rural areas, often when young men are too impoverished …
NEW: Spanish Resources
The Latin America church has exploded in the 20th century, and is joining God’s mission to the nations in amazing ways. For those partnering and ministering in Latin America, here are some honor-shame resources now available in Spanish. El evangelio en 3DThe 3D …
How Honor Baffled (& Awed) C. S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis preached “The Weight of Glory” in 1942. In this sermon he speaks personally about his understanding of the biblical promises of honor and glory. Here are 4 phases of his theology.1. C.S. Lewis saw honorOne can hardly read the …
The 2017 Honor-Shame Conference: Save the Date!
You are invited to the inaugural conference of the Honor-Shame Network—a community to learn and work together for the sake of the gospel. Professors and educators, pastors and thought leaders, cross-cultural workers and creatives, professional practitioners and others will gather at …
How Trump Thinks Like Jesus
Jesus Christ and Donald Trump share a remarkable similarity—they both promise honor. What is “honor”?Honor is essentially status or respect in a community. Such honor comes about in two ways—inclusion and exaltation. The campaign of Donald Trump and gospel of Jesus Christ …
Honor-Shame Devotional Video (2-min)
“Honor // Shame” is a powerful devotional video. Since it is just 2-minutes long and well-edited, it could nicely introduce a Bible study or sermon. Broaching the topic of shame can be uncomfortable, so why not outsource the dirty work with a quality video!Produced by Ricky Diaz and Luis Espino, …
Honor & Shame in God’s Revelation (1 Kgs 22)
Martin Munyao (Th.M., Daystar Academy of Nairobi) was a pastor and theology teacher in Kenya. He is earning his Ph.D. at Concordia Theological Seminary.How did God use Israel’s cultural dynamics of honor-shame to reveal himself? As an example, we take the …
How Do “Lives Matter”?
“Black lives matter.” “All lives matter.” “Blue lives matter.”These activist slogans are causing a stir. What is the matter with “lives matter”? How can such affirming statements be so divisive?Lives Do Matter. But How?Each slogan claims worth and value for …
The Law is NOT Legal
In the Bible, the “law” is not primarily a legal concept. For Western Christians, their view of the “law” is heavily influenced by cultural assumptions. (Some might call this “syncretism.”)When teaching about the “law,” I prefer to use the original words …
How OT Sacrifices Saved
What happens during a sacrifice? How do sacrifices work? What was killing an animal in the temple supposed accomplish?Malachi 1:6-2:9 explains the logical underpinning of temple sacrifices. Basically, the priest’s defective sacrifices failed to honor God. The priests’ unclean animals have shown …
How Self-Righteous Judaizers Boasted
The Problem with “Self-Righteousness”The term “self-righteous” is not a biblical term. Yes, the Bible does speak about a type of righteousness that is not of God, but the nature of this false-righteousness is rather different than commonly assumed.Romans 10:3 speaks about this …
How Honor-Shame Cultures Confess Sins
How should people confess their sin? What form should confession take?I was raised Catholic, so the the word “confession” means reliving those experiences as a mischievous little boy shuddering in a confessional booth saying, “Forgive me father for I have …