Author: HonorShame
resources for Majority World ministry
When I started in 2013, I did not view it as “my personal blog.” The aim all along was to develop a digital-social platform to develop great ideas and distribute great resources for ministry in honor-shame cultures. Through experience …
Redemption. From What?
What does redemption mean? What are we redeemed from? The biblical term denotes “release from bondage.” Because of our own weaknesses (social, physical, or spiritual), a stronger patron-like Savior must enact our release.HOW do redeemers redeem?In the Bible, people are redeemed …
Making Peace like Jesus, not Germany
The diplomatic tiff this week between Germany and Turkey is the same thorn bush that often entangles Western missionaries.The German Parliament adopted a symbolic resolution declaring the killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks in 1915 a “genocide.” The Ottomans killed over 1 million Armenians, …
What the “Hell”?
For a long time, I thought of hell primarily in terms of physical pain, where the “weeping and gnashing of teeth” indicated extreme bodily discomfort. Hell is an overcrowded waiting room with no A/C and people with B.O., right?!? Then I …
Is “Redskins” a Racial Slur, or Honor?
The NFL team in America’s capital is called the Washington “Redskins.” Is that a racial slur against Native Americans? Recent conversations in this heated debate revolve largely around the moral ideal of honor. Here’s the story.Native American leaders have argued …
Partaking in His Glory (Dr. Ken Bailey)
Dr. Kenneth Bailey (1930-2016) was an MK and New Testament professor who has spent most of his life in the Middle East. His many books (e.g., Jesus in Mediterranean Eyes) explain the cultural and honor-shame elements of the gospels. This explanation of …
Tim Keller & TGC Video on Shame
In this Gospel Coalition video, Tim Keller offers some reflections about the role of shame in evangelism.I’m obviously delighted that Keller and TGC discuss honor-shame cultures in their gospel conversation. And Keller and the other folks at TGC are brilliant guys doing great work, for which …
Does Christ Impute Honor?
The doctrine of “imputed righteousness” is a mainstay in Protestant theology. So naturally people ask, “Can we say that God imputes honor?” The biblical answer is clear and obvious—Yes! But to explain, a little bit of brush clearing is order.What …
Honoring Theology
Western theology sounds like a scratched DVD at times—it get stuck repeating the same words, and has a hard time telling the whole story. When the guilt-innocence meaning of theological terms is hard-wired into many us, we struggle to imagine alternative …
This 3-page document “GLOBAL INSIGHTS for Leading and Ministering in Honor-Shame Contexts” compiles the very best reflections from the recent online learning forum at Synergy Commons.The concise format makes all the ideas accessible and stimulating. This could be used as a discussion tool for …
How David Sinned with Bathsheba
When David slept with Bathsheba (2 Sam 11:1-13), why was that sin? David thought nothing was amiss, “but the thing that David had done displeased Yahweh” (2 Sam 11:27). Exactly why was God displeased? Despite common assumptions, the Bible does not portray David’s …
Culture Profile: Romania
Cameron Armstrong (Ph.D. student, Biola University) and his wife, Jessica, serve as church planting catalysts with the International Mission Board in Romania. In addition to personal evangelism and starting Bible studies, he teaches a class at the Bucharest Baptist Theological Institute. …
To Be, or Not To Be … a Patron?
This post is part of the online conversation “Leading and Ministering in Honor-Shame Contexts” in April 2016. Click here to read reflections and insights from mission practioners. In many countries, patronage is the de facto socio-economic system.Patronage can be defined as “a reciprocal relationship between unequals.” The …
A Gospel That Changes
This post is part of the online conversation “Leading and Ministering in Honor-Shame Contexts” in April 2016. Click here to read reflections and insights from mission practioners. How can the gospel change people in honor-shame cultures?Remember, the gospel is not a tool for just making converts out …
Resolving Conflict…Without Shaming
This post is part of the online conversation “Leading and Ministering in Honor-Shame Contexts” in April 2016. Click here to read reflections and insights from mission practioners. Have you heard (or personally experienced) this story before? Once upon a time…a national Christian worked for a Western ministry …
The Different Faces of Honor-Shame Cultures
This post is part of the online conversation “Leading and Ministering in Honor-Shame Contexts” in April 2016. Click here to read reflections and insights from mission practioners. Honor-shame cultures share something in common with wine. They both have terroir—a unique flavor depending on the context. Honor …
Feel the Burst!
Over the next two weeks, I will be facilitating a collaborative online discussion called “Leading and Ministering in Honor-Shame Contexts.” This learning format brings together mission practitioners like you for a two-week, intentionally focused, peer-learning conversation on these topics:The Different …
A Fear-Power Gospel Video (& more!)
This short video visualizes the biblical story in fear-power terms, and could be a great teaching tool. A special thanks to Tim Brand of Many Hands For Haiti for this, and the original Creole version. Readers of The 3D Gospel have asked for such a …
Why Muslims Defend God’s Honor
Bruce Sidebotham (D.Min., New Geneva Theological Seminary) spent 7 years doing cross-cultural ministry in Indonesia. He directs the ministry called Operation Reveille that helps service personnel with cross-cultural relations. Why do Muslims attempt to defend the honor of Islam against insults? Amidst the …
A Global Map of Culture Types
I’m thrilled to share this wonderful infographic “Culture’s Color, God’s Light” from Global Mapping International. The professional map below visualizes the 8,500+ global results from to show which countries are guilt, shame, or fear. A minimum threshold of 4 respondents was required …