Author: HonorShame
resources for Majority World ministry
Readers enjoyed Colin E. Andrew’s earlier post “5 Rude Things Honor-Shame Cultures Say.” In this post, he turns the tables. Here are 5 “rude” things Westerners say, even when trying to be polite. 1. “My friend!” “Hey Rafshan! This is my …
More Honor-Shame Videos
I recently updated the video gallery at The new gallery now includes a collection of 20+ curated videos related to honor and shame. There are other videos out there, but these are all nicely produced, so are worth viewing (and using in teaching/training). …
Learning about Honor-Shame
Do you need to write a paper for a class? Or, prepare a presentation for a ministry gathering? Or, choose a topic for a graduate thesis? Consider that an opportunity to learn more about honor and shame. The topic of honor and …
Honor-Shame Research Bibliography
I’m pleased to release an extensive bibliography for honor-shame. This includes the resources related to honor and shame I have encountered over the last 8 years.The bibliography is available online and is fully searchable, by metadata and tags. It can …
2 Ways Social Media Fuels Shame
Shame is the result of two things: expectations and exposure. The constant whispers of shame are “You’re not who you should be!” (expectations) and “They’re gonna find out who you really are!” (exposure). Consequently, we strive to live up to …
Can a Truck Make You Handsome?
In case the previous three posts (Appiah video, Jesus’ teaching, discipleship in 1 Peter) did not clarify the idea of “honor code,” this Chevy truck commercial surely will. They show pictures of the same exact guy, one with a truck and the other …
Two Training Webinars
I will be leading two webinars this September, and invite you to join in. Money, Honor, & Relationships: A Biblical and Practical Look at Patronage The free webinar will examine patron-client relationships in 1) global cultures, 2) the Bible, and 3) everyday ministry …
The Apostolic Honor Code (1 Pet)
How does God’s Kingdom reshape morality and ethics in honor-shame contexts?The most common proposal for Christian’s ethics in shame-based contexts is something like, “People should not care about other people’s opinions, but just do what is right. Get rid of all vestiges …
He is Greater! (worship video)
The last couple of days I’ve been wrestling with the voices of shame. God has used Romans 8 and the worship video “Greater” by MercyMe to realign my heart. I suspect others need to get back in step with The One True Drumbeat. Here are …
How Jesus Changed the Honor Code
Was Jesus teaching an “honor code”? One dimension of Jesus’ earthly ministry was helping people realign their notions of “honorability” and “shamefulness” with God’s values of honor and shame. Jesus’ teachings reveals how people access true and eternal honor from God …
Do You Want to Change the World?
“Honor is very important in bringing about change in the world.” If you want to bring about change in the world, I suggest this engaging 3 ½ minute video “The Honor Code” with Princeton professor Anthony Kwame Appiah.In his book …
The Blog of All Blogs (#100!)
To commemorate the 100th blog of, I have written “The Blog of All Blogs”—literally. Here is a complete list of all previous blogs (minus a few event announcements). They are categorized by topic, allowing viewers easy access to the topics …
Yahweh’s Counter-Cultural Honor
Guest Ron Mudge (Ph.D., Concordia Seminary) has served as a missionary to Ivory Coast and Togo, West Africa (1996-2006), and is presently the Rouse Associate Professor of Pre-Seminary Studies at Concordia University Wisconsin. Here is a summary of his article, …
Does God “Slut-Shame”?
Does God slut-shame? (FYI, “slut-shaming” means making someone, usually a woman or girl, feel inferior for deviating from traditional gender expectations, especially in areas of sexuality.) Here are some Bible verses similar to the language of slut shaming:You played the whore because …
Free Reference Bookmark
For a recent training, I developed a two-sided 2″ x 6″ reference bookmark (pictured below). For people training and teaching on the topic of honor-shame, this may be a helpful reminder and tool to offer learners. Having something tangible increases learning and implementation. Side 1 explains the …
The Gospel…in 5 words
The problem is Unfaithfulness. People have broken the relationship with God. Our disloyalty dishonors God. (Ez 36:21; Rom 1:21-23; 2:23; 3:23)The dilemma is Shame. Our dishonor means separation and disunion. We are shameful in God’s eyes, and feel shame. (Gen 3:7-8; Jer 3:8, 25; Rom 1:24)God’s solution …
Did the Supreme Court “Honor” Gays?
At The Edge of the Kalahari analyzed the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on homosexual marriage (June 26, 2015) from a cross-cultural perspective. Here is an excerpt, posted with permission. This ruling was more about honour, not the law. This was …
Healing Childhood Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse creates in people a deep sense of shame and a warped sense of honor. Because the issue is so globally pervasive, I suspect you’ll find this interview informative for ministry. Anthony has lived in a Muslim country for 20+ … is an interdisciplinary academic website devoted to the study of honor as an ethical virtue. Those working to develop a biblical ethic and theology for honor-shame contexts will want to follow this blog. I learned about when they posted, …
Get Yourself Some Glory!
Westerners are allergic to honor. For example, the United States Constitution (1.9.8) forbids using titles of nobility as honorifics. America passed a law making honoring people illegal (ironic, huh?!).A reader recently emailed me this comment that echoes how most Western Christians think …