Author: HonorShame
resources for Majority World ministry
The Patronage Symposium will gather people to examine the gospel for patron-client contexts. To learn more, visit Here are three related announcements: 1. Registration Ending Soon (Feb 10) The Patronage Symposium will be limited to ~40 people to foster substantive …
Paul’s Honor Ethic in 1 Corinthians
Honor and shame are innately social and cooperate realities. For this reason, an honor-centric morality prioritizes relational harmony and communal edification, as seen in Pauline theology. John Barclay says, “Paul’s redefinition of honor thus gives prestige to such traits that …
4 Problems with Guilt-Based Morality
Western theologians and missionaries often assume that “guilt-based” morality is ethically superior. This, I believe, is a dangerous assumption. A guilt-based approach to ethics has several shortcomings that limit its moral effectiveness, particularly in collectivistic contexts. These limitations do not …
New SEANET Book for Buddhist Contexts
Paul deNeui is Professor of Missiology at North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago. He recently edited Restored to Freedom from Guilt, Shame, and Fear: Lessons from the Buddhist World (SEANET 13; William Carey Library, 2017; TOC here). This post is …
Register Now for The Patronage Symposium
Jackson Wu says patronage is “the most overlooked aspect of honor-shame cultures.” I believe patronage is also the most frustrating aspect of cross-cultural relationships. In other words, patronage is an issue we must address. In recent decades secular anthropologists and …
INFOGRAPHIC: How Cultures Clash (B/W version)
One of the most popular posts here at is the infographic “Culture Vantage Points: How West and East (Mis)Perceive Each Other’s Cultural Values.” Since many people use it as a teaching resource, I developed this black/white version that is …
Top 10 Honor-Shame Posts of 2017
Here are the top blogposts from for 2017. 10. Can You Shame God? 9. Exposing the Truth about Honor & Shame: 4 Dimensions 8. Guilt, Shame & Fear in Secular Research 7. A Western Bias: “Honor-Shame Cultures are Violent” 6. Resources …
Uncovering the Power of Shame
Guest Samuel Albert is Editor in Chief of The Bible has a whole vocabulary to do with shame, reproach and disgrace. There are over 10 Hebrew words that translate these words into English, but they have been almost evacuated …
The Patronage Symposium (Oct 2018)
Please considering joining us at the: Patron-client relationships were foundational in the world of Scripture. Plus, the dynamics of status, benefaction, generosity, reciprocity, loyalty and gratitude remain foundational in societies today. Yet the realities of patronage remain ignored in theological and missional conversations. This symposium will …
Esther 1 (HSP)
Here is an honor-shame paraphrase of Esther, chapter 1. This is excerpted from the new book Esther: An Honor-Shame Paraphrase, available as Kindle or PDF for $2.99. A long time ago, the king of Persia was a man named Ahasuerus. His glorious kingdom included 127 provinces from …
Esther: An Honor-Shame Paraphrase (new book)
The second title—Esther—in the Honor-Shame Paraphrase series is now available. Esther: An Honor-Shame Paraphrase costs $2.99 on Kindle and PDF. Readers often misinterpret Scripture for a simple reason—our culture is very different from the ancient cultures of the Bible. For example, Westerners …
The Reformation: 3 Honor-Shame Facts
The dynamics of honor and shame influenced the events of the Reformation, especially in the early years. This post sheds light on the social context surrounding the theological controversies that shook the Western world 500 years ago. 1. The German …
The Gospel in 2 Poems
Christian Burkhardt is a pastor at Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, CA. His two poems aim to awaken our “Longing to Belong” and direct us on how to be fully satisfied by seeking God’s face, as we were “Made for …
The Meaning of Romans 3:23
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” That is how most English Bibles translate Romans 3:23. Western Christianity typically interprets these words as, “Every individual person has done something wrong and not lived up to God’s …
More Conference Resources
All the resources from the 2017 Honor-Shame Conference are now available online. This includes edited videos and presenter materials from all the workshops. New Videos Since first announcing the videos, we have added these four presentations to the YouTube playlist: 1.Dr. …
The Problem of “Grace” in English Bibles
All Bible translations face a problem—the cultural gap between the Bible and contemporary readers. English words evoke Western assumptions and values that are unlike those of biblical writers. The word “grace” (Greek: charis) is a good example of this problem of …
Africa Study Bible: “Honour & Respect”
The new Africa Bible Study (NLT) illuminates the truth of Scripture with a unique, African perspective. This article “Honor and Respect” (p. 1283) explains the spiritual importance of social honour. Honour and Respect What is the secret of a long life …
Guilt, Shame, and Fear in Secular Research
When I wrote The 3D Gospel and developed in 2014, I thought that the concept of guilt/shame/fear cultures was unique to Christian missiology. But recently, I encountered a very similar cultural model by a secular psychologist. Richard Shweder is a …
Shame and Guilt in Racial Reconciliation
The post is adapted from chapter #3 of The Bridge to Racial Unity: Discussion Guide 2.0 from Be the Bridge ministries. A personal awareness of racism and racial injustice can generate uncomfortable feelings of shame and guilt. In America’s individualistic …
Videos from the Honor-Shame Conference
We are excited to announce that the videos from the 2017 Honor-Shame Conference are now available on this YouTube playlist. The plenary sessions and featured workshops are full-length videos (~1 hour). The majority of the workshops are short trailers (3–5 minutes) …