Author: HonorShame
resources for Majority World ministry
How can we develop an “honor-shame theology” for today? How might be better explain the gospel in honor-shame contexts? Here are 8 practical tips to help you better utilize honor-shame in global ministry. This post summarizes part of my plenary …
New Infographics
In 2016 the ministry Global Mapping International released the missiographic “Culture’s Color, God’s Light,” which featured a global map of culture types (guilt, shame, and fear). The infographic has become GMI’s #2 most viewed infographic and has appeared in many …
6 Ways Honor and Shame Make Disciples (Not Converts)
Jackson Wu (Ph.D., SEBTS) teaches theology and missiology to Chinese leaders. He blogs at Honor and shame are essential for being and making disciples. They are more than mere labels used to describe culture and improve cross-cultural communication. To …
6 Ways Honor and Shame Make Disciples (Not Converts) Read more »
The Meaning of “Faith”
The latest issue of the magazine Modern Reformation includes my article “Talking About Faith in Non-Western Contexts.” This article explains the biblical meaning of “faith” in terms of patron-client relationships and recent New Testament scholarship. The opening paragraphs are included below, and …
Communion, from an Honor-Shame Perspective
God is the “King of Glory.” God does not have honor. He is honor. Glory radiates from his very being. He is the One who bestows and grants honor upon us. God is the only source of honor. David says, …
Raising Support in Honor-Shame Cultures: 5 Tips
As the global Church expands, there is a growing need for money to fund ministry. The Church in Asia, Africa, and Latin America has a vision for global missions, and this vision requires financial resources. Traditional fund-raising models are often …
1 Peter 2:1–12 (HSP)
Here is an honor-shame paraphrase of 1 Peter 2:1–12. This is excerpted from the new book 1 Peter: An Honor-Shame Paraphrase, available as Kindle or PDF for $2.99. Put away the habits of your shameful past: degrading speech, manipulation, wearing a mask, status …
1 Peter: An Honor-Shame Paraphrase
My newest book is now available—1 Peter: An Honor-Shame Paraphrase ($2.99). Previous posts explain the cultural problem of all translations and how an Honor-Shame Paraphrase helps overcome the cultural gap. The epistle of 1 Peter explains the gospel in terms of honor …
Last Call to Register: The Honor-Shame Conference
Final call to register for the Honor-Shame Conference, June 19–21 in Chicago. Because of space constants at Wheaton College, registration is capped at 270 people. Limited spots remain, so register now if you would like to join us. Check out …
Last Call to Register: The Honor-Shame Conference Read more »
The Honor-Shame Paraphrase
Reading the Bible across cultures can be difficult; however, the task is certainly not impossible. With cultural awareness, people today can accurately interpret the Bible by bridging the cultural gap between our world and the biblical world. The Honor-Shame Paraphrase …
The Problem with Bible Translations: Your Culture
Anyone who reads the Bible today faces an unavoidable fact—Scripture was originally written in and for a culture different than our own culture. This makes the Bible difficult to understand. Consider the meaning of these words: He whistled at her, …
The Problem with Bible Translations: Your Culture Read more »
“Silence” and the Shame of the Cross
Dr. Philip D. Jamieson is President of the United Methodist Foundation (Memphis and Tennessee Conferences) and author of The Face of Forgiveness: A Pastoral Theology of Shame and Redemption (IVP, 2016). I recently saw Martin Scorsese’s new movie, Silence (based …
Teaching in Honor-Shame Cultures: 5 Must Knows
In 2001 I taught American literature at a university in Central Asia. It was my first year living overseas, and the experience of teaching cross-culturally caused many instances of culture shock. I enjoyed the friendships with students, but I resented …
Exposing the Truth about Honor and Shame: The 4 Dimensions Christians Must Understand
This article, co-authored with Jackson Wu, was originally posted at Christianity Today on Ed Stetzer’s blog (Feb 16). Shame is getting exposed, finally. Commentators now observe how Western culture, especially the millennial generation, is becoming more shame-prone. Consequently, more Westerners are …
Exposing the Truth about Honor and Shame: The 4 Dimensions Christians Must Understand Read more »
Improving Anselm’s Atonement Theory
Anselm’s satisfaction theory (explanation here) has shaped Western atonement theory. Unfortunately, Anselm’s theology “went wrong” in two ways: (1) Anselm himself overlooked key parts of biblical theology, and (2) then latter theologians misinterpreted Anselm. Making Anselm More Biblical Anselm’s Cur …
Atonement for Honor-Shame Cultures
In terms of honor and shame, how does Christ’s death atone for sin? This question got answered 1,000 years ago by Anselm, a Benedictine monk and archbishop of Canterbury who developed the “satisfaction” atonement theory. Anselm’s work Cur Deus Homo …
Does God Shame Christians?
God’s salvation causes shame. After God atones for your sins, then you will have shame. God wants his people to feel shame. In Ezekiel 16, God denounces Israel for becoming vile sluts and shameless whores. Then he says to them: …
Can You Shame God?
Can you shame God? The biblical answer is yes. Though this may initially sound sacrilegious, the fact that people shame God pervades scripture and profoundly impacts your relationship with God. People despise and scorn God. In other words, we fail to …
Super Duper “Unashamed”
Last year Christian publishers released 4 books titled “Unashamed.” These are Christian efforts to speak to a popular topic in Western culture—the longing to be free of shame and to “be myself.” While inspiring and encouraging, these books assume the distorted, Western …
Lausanne Article: “Honor & Shame in God’s Mission”
The latest issue of the Lausanne Global Analysis includes my article “Honor & Shame in God’s Mission.” This short primer (1,600 words) is available online for free, so functions as a 5-minute introduction to honor-shame. The article explains: (1) the meaning of honor & shame, …
Lausanne Article: “Honor & Shame in God’s Mission” Read more »