Author: HonorShame
resources for Majority World ministry
Christianity Today has published my interview with Jackson Wu about his latest book Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes. As their title says, “There’s More to Romans than Personal Salvation.” I enjoyed learning about the backstory of this book from Jackson. The …
Workshops for the 2020 Honor-Shame Conference
Workshops were a highlight of the 2017 Honor-Shame Conference. The topics and speakers were excellent. So we are excited to organize more workshops for the 2020 Honor-Shame Conference. We are currently accepting submissions for workshop presentations. Complete this form …
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Shaming
Shaming people can be a powerful tool for changing behavior and establishing norms. Jennifer Jacquet (Professor of Environmental Studies at New York University) in Is Shame Necessary?: New Uses for an Old Tool explains how people can shame selectively and …
How to Shame…Biblically
People who act shamelessly should incur a sense of shame.The apostle Paul explicitly shamed fellow believers, on several occasions: I say this to your shame. (1 Cor 6:5) I say this to your shame. (1 Cor 15:34) Take note of …
New Series: Ethics in Honor-Shame Cultures
Honor-shame is a moral system. Collectivistic cultures use honor and shame to define and enforce ethics. This claim may seem strange to Westerners, who generally assume that guilt-cultures believe in right and wrong, but shame cultures do not. This idea …
Register Now: Honor-Shame Conference (Wheaton, 2020)
You can register now for the: Join us for the 2020 Honor-Shame Conference (June 8-10, 2020 at Wheaton College) to explore how honor and shame influence the gospel, the Church, and disciplines including theology, missiology, pastoral ministry, and counseling. Connect with …
Register Now: Honor-Shame Conference (Wheaton, 2020) Read more »
Updated Data for The Global Culture Map
The data for the “Global Map of Culture Types” has been updated and doubled. Click here to view and use the map. This free, interactive tool visualizes all results from The initial launch (March 2018) included data from the first …
Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes (Jackson Wu)
Do you want to see Romans from an honor-shame perspective? Here is the book! Jackson Wu’s latest book, Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes: Honor and Shame in Pauls’ Message and Mission (IVP Academic) is now available. Here is the publisher’s description: What …
Malachi 1 (HSP)
The honor-shame paraphrase of Malachi 1 is from the recent book Malachi: An Honor-Shame Paraphrase, by Jayson Georges. A message from Yahweh to his people Israel, through Malachi.1 God’s Proven Covenant Loyalty Yahweh says, “Israel, you have always been my special people. …
New Book—Malachi: An Honor-Shame Paraphrase
The new book Malachi An Honor-Shame Paraphrase is now available (Kindle edition). Along with 1 Peter, Esther, Psalms, and James, this is the fifth title in the Honor-Shame Paraphrase series. The prophetic book of Malachi reveals the nature of Israel’s covenant relationships with God in the Old Testament. …
“Husbands, Honour Your Wives” (1 Peter 3:7)
Andrew Bartlett, QC of Crown Office Chambers, London, is a highly-rated international arbitrator, and also a Deputy High Court Judge in England and Judge of the Upper Tribunal. He has a BA in Theology (University of Gloucestershire) and has served …
My Attempts to Visualize Honor & Shame
I use mostly words to explain honor and shame. I write out my ideas in books, articles, and blogposts. I regret not being more artistic, because honor and shame can also be powerfully communicated visually. On a few occasions, I’ve …
Honor-Shame Conference (June, 2020)—Save the Date!
Following the success of the first Honor-Shame Conference (2017), we are excited to announce: The Honor-Shame Conference: Reconciling the Nations The conference will be June 8–10, 2020 at Wheaton College (near Chicago). Please mark your calendars! Would you like to conduct …
Honor-Shame Conference (June, 2020)—Save the Date! Read more »
Visualizing the Resurrection
Christians throughout history have used art to communicate theology. Most paintings are rather straightforward in their depiction of a gospel scene. But the scene of the resurrection of Jesus is an enigma. The miracle of Jesus’ resurrection was not directly …
Not Taking Revenge (Ajith Fernando)
Ajith Fernando (ThM, Fuller) serves as the teaching director of Youth for Christ in Sri Lanka. This post is from his latest book, Discipling in A Multicultural World (Crossway, 2019), which has a strong focus on practical discipleship in honor-shame oriented cultures. This excerpt …
Why Did Jesus Have to Die?
From an honor-shame perspective, why did Jesus have to die? This is a common question people ask, and is worth exploring. Reflecting on this topic exposes some cultural assumptions and helps us to better understand biblical salvation. The Issue The …
What is “God’s Glory”?—Jonathan Edwards’ Theology
What is “the glory of God”? And, why is God’s glory so important? Jonathan Edwards (1703-58), perhaps better than any other theologian, explains the meaning and significance of God’s glory. His book, The End for Which God Created the World …
What is “God’s Glory”?—Jonathan Edwards’ Theology Read more »
A Japanese Scapegoat for Impurity
Brian McGregor (M.Div., Columbia International University) recently Shinto: The Gospel’s Gate, a book that explores Japanese atonement concepts in light of honor and shame. The Japanese have a particular understanding of sin. The word is 罪 tsumi, which also means …
Creation to Christ Story
Andy Smith has served in Southeast Asia since 1989. He is the International Coordinator for Evangelization with OMF International. Several years ago I learned about Creation to Christ stories. These stories summarize the Bible. Versions range from 1 minute to …
What is
What is I want to answer this question for two reasons. One, to provide a brief background for the many new subscribers to this website. And two, to share how blog posts will be different in the future. …