Author: HonorShame
resources for Majority World ministry
Evil and suffering are a P.R. nightmare for God. “How could there be a God when … ?” You’ve heard the arguments. Apparently, God is not being God, and this requires some explanation. The answer to the question of why …
One Gospel for Shame, Guilt, & Fear Cultures?
Guest Jackson Wu teaches Chinese pastors and blogs at His latest book is One Gospel for All Nations: A Practical Approach to Biblical Contextualization. When meeting up recently, he mentioned how our books share some overlap. Here’s the idea. …
An Answer for Addiction
What is addiction? How is addiction healed? This new TED talk—“Everything You Think You Know About Addiction is Wrong”—connects these questions about addiction to shame and honor (granted, it uses language besides “honor” and “shame” to do so). Research shows …
How to Give Aid…Without Shaming
Last month, I heard this story from Bob Lupton, founder of Focus Community Strategies and author of Toxic Charity. Their ministry adopted a “Toys for Tots” drive during the holidays. Churches would gather presents, then bring them to people in …
A Story of Dignity and Reconciliation
In this short video “Stolen Cattle,” Dr. Mark Baker (Professor of Mission and Theology, Fresno Pacific University) tells an inspiring story about proactive peacemaking, restorative justice, and missional honoring. Farmers of a Mennonite colony in Paraguay were losing their cattle to …
How Dignity Resolves Conflict
“Our desire for connection is deep in our genes. We are living in a false state of alienation. The quality of our lives and our relationships could be vastly improved if we learned how to master the art and science …
3 Ways To Apply Restorative Justice
Our previous post introduced the idea of restorative justice. Here are three applications of restorative justice. 1-Cross-Cultural Relationships Here is a common scenario Western missionaries face: When I confronted a national believer over the problem of _________, he felt shamed and …
Restorative Justice
In my experience, the practice of restorative justice is one of the best ways to tangibly embody God’s honor and overcome shame. Unfortunately, people in Western culture rarely practice (or value) restorative justice. One afternoon we got a phone call …
Shame & Violence: Deadly Partners
Violence is inseparably linked with dishonor and shame. To better understand these deadly partners, here are two learning resources—a book and a Missio Nexus webinar. Violence: Reflections on a National Epidemic (1996) has become a modern classic in sociology. The …
Because Who is Perfect? (video)
Series: “Putting Honor into Action” This short video “Because Who Is Perfect?” from Pro Infirmus is an inspiring example of relationally and non-verbally proclaiming God’s counter-cultural honor. They feature and promote the inherent dignity of people. I believe this project beautifully testifies …
Putting Honor Into Action
Christian mission mediates God’s honor into the world. The church is the very means by which people experience and understand the glory of God. We are God’s instrument for overcoming shame. Communicating God’s honor happens relationally, not just verbally. How …
Honor-Shame in Jude and 2 Peter
Andrew M. Mbuvi (Ph.D., Westminster) is Associate Prof. of Biblical Studies and Hermeneutics at Shaw University Divinity School. His latest book is a commentary on Jude and 2 Peter (NCCS: Cascade, 2015). In this post, he summarizes the honor-shame dynamics …
L’Évangile en 3D (FR) & 3D Евангелие (RU) are here!!
The book The 3D Gospel is now available in French (L’Évangile en 3D) and Russian (3D Евангелие). They are each $7.99 at Amazon. I’m particularly excited for how these works may be used in the many Francophone and Russian-speaking regions of the …
L’Évangile en 3D (FR) & 3D Евангелие (RU) are here!! Read more »
The Meaning of God’s Grace
Dr. John Barclay is Lightfoot Professor of Divinity at Durham University. His latest book Paul & The Gift (Eerdmans, 2015) is being hailed as “pioneering” and “ground-breaking.” At the recent Society of Biblical Literature, several people called it “the most important book on Pauline …
“Honor > Life,” Says Humanity
Honor is not a matter of life and death. It is more than that. Respect from the community is more important than life itself. The human craving for honor is so great, people would rather die with honor than live …
Did Bathsheba Seduce David?
Did Bathsheba purposefully seek to seduce David when bathing? Some books say Bathsheba “intended” to be seen by the king, presumably to seduce David and get closer to the seat of power. But I think this is misreading Scripture. The Bible portrays …
How We’re Selling Honor
The previous post satirically announced our new Honor Rating (a public forum measuring everybody’s social status) and The Honor Market (a global marketplace for buying and selling your personal honor). That post was fictitious, but the idea is already becoming a reality. …
The (New) Honor Market
The post is a satire. Do you struggle with shame? Do you find it hard to be an honorable person? Welcome to The Honor Market—the 21st-century way to manage your social status. Effective January 1, 2016, the website has become …
10 Free Resources released several free resources in 2015, all towards the aim of “mainstreaming a biblical missiology for honor-shame contexts.” Feel free to share these resources with others. You can forward this email, or click here to share via Facebook. Honor & …
Top 10 Blogs in 2015
Here are the top blogposts at for 2015. Seems like “5” was the lucky number this year! And a special thanks to guests contributors for your great insights.10) The Gospel of ISIS9) What the Bible Says about Honor & Shame (wordclouds)8) A Simple Evangelism …