10 Free Resources
HonorShame.com released several free resources in 2015, all towards the aim of “mainstreaming a biblical missiology for honor-shame contexts.” Feel free to share these resources with others. You can forward this email, or click here to share via Facebook.

- Honor & Shame 101 is a 5-minute ministry explainer video introducing the topic and how it relates to ministry.
- Honor & Shame 201 is a 40-minute interactive training video for Christian ministry.
- Honor-Shame Bibliography lists 400+ publications on honor & shame with easily searchable tags and categories.
- Word Clouds of honor and shame vocabulary visually represent these key concepts.
- Reference Bookmark explains the gospel of salvation and key biblical texts for honor-shame contexts.
- Non-English Resources free honor-shame resources in various languages.
- New Video Gallery features 20+ quality videos for learning about honor & shame.
- The 3D Gospel: Ministry in Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures is a practical guide to theology and ministry in global cultures. (Get a PDF copy free when you teach/train on the topic in a group setting).
- TheCultureTest.com is an easy and engaging survey to learn your group’s primary culture type: guilt, shame, or fear. Like a personality type, but it measures your cultural orientation.
- Major Publications from Mission Frontiers, Christianity Today, and The International Orality Network about honor & shame.
More resources are in the works for 2016. Here’s a sneakpeak.
- The 3D Gospel will be available in French, Russian, and Spanish by March.
- TheCultureTest.com will available in Spanish–“La Prueba Cultural.”
- Global Mapping International will produce a “missiographic” visualizing the 7,000+ results from TheCultureTest.com in the spring.
- My next book Ministering in Honor-Shame Cultures: Biblical Foundations and Practical Essentials (co-authored with Mark Baker, published by IVP Academic) will be out in October.
- A training webinar “Understanding ISIS: The History of Militant Islam.”
- And the website HonorShame.com will take on a new shape. Stay tuned!
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