NEW: Spanish Resources

The Latin America church has exploded in the 20th century, and is joining God’s mission to the nations in amazing ways. For those partnering and ministering in Latin America, here are some honor-shame resources now available in Spanish.  

El evangelio en 3D

Screen Shot 2016-06-06 at 11.20.16 AMThe 3D Gospel is now available in Spanish. A huge thanks to Editorial Desafio (publisher) and Unilit (distributor)! Based on conversations with others and initial results from, Latin American cultures contain almost equal parts of guilt, shame, and fear. This book can be a helpful tool for addressing key aspects of life and ministry in South American. 

I’m pleased to see the paperback is priced at just $6.99 at To purchase 50 paperbacks for $225, email To purchase in South America, click here. Sorry, there is currently no electronic/PDF/Kindle version available. 

¿Esta su evangelio en 3D? La teología occidental enfatiza el perdón legal de los pecados, pero casi todo el mundo busca el honor o el poder espiritual. En el mundo globalizado de hoy en día, los cristianos necesitan un evangelio tridimensional. Aprenda cómo la Biblia habla acerca de las culturas de la culpa, la verguenza y el temor, ¡y mejore su ministerio transcultural entre las naciones! El evangelio en 3D es un libro conciso que explica los tres tipos de culturas primarias que hay en el mundo y cómo los cristianos pueden ministrar de manera efectiva y fructífera de manera transcultural, a fin de equipar a los creyentes con una visión dinámica del evangelio.

La Prueba Cultural

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The Culture Test is now available in Spanish at Answer the 25 simple questions and instantly receive results into your inbox. The website has a toggle button on the top right to select English or Spanish. Over 11,500 people have already taken The Culture Test in English. And now the 425 million Spanish speakers in the world can learn about their culture type!

Theology Guide

The “Theology Guide” is a two-page chart of Christian theology for cultures of guilt, shame and fear. Click here to download. Feel free to share, print, and email this free PDF.

Click here to access more Spanish-language resources or the “Theology Guide” in 8 other languages.  

Do you know…

…a Christian who speaks Spanish? Share these free resources with them via email or Facebook. This will enhance your social capital!  

resources for Majority World ministry

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