Honor & Shame 201–Training Video
I have created a new training video-“Honor & Shame 201“-for Christians ministering in honor/shame contexts.
The video is 50 minutes long and includes 3 exercises that help people actively engage the topic. It covers honor/shame in 5 key areas of Christian mission:
The explainer video “Honor & Shame 101” is a basic introduction; this “Honor & Shame 201” is intended for longer-term workers, so naturally goes deeper. For this reason it would be ideal for:

- culture,
- relationships,
- Bible,
- theology, and
- ministry.
The explainer video “Honor & Shame 101” is a basic introduction; this “Honor & Shame 201” is intended for longer-term workers, so naturally goes deeper. For this reason it would be ideal for:
- team development,
- a conference workshop,
- a pre-field training session,
- or just personal enrichment.
Thanks, Jason. We will look to use this as we equip short term explorers in Honor-Shame contexts.
Great, the shorter video “Honor & Shame 101” might be more suitable for some STM trainings — https://honorshame.com/honor-shame-101-explainer-video/