H-S Resources in 8 Languages
The proclamation of God’s honor for the shamed must extend far beyond the confines of English.
Here are honor-shame resources in 8 different languages.
From my experience (and observation), just learning the vocabulary for speaking about honor and shame is a paramount first step. Hopefully these will help you and other Christians acquire the honor-shame language.
Eight languages isn’t a ton at this point, but you have to start somewhere! Most are translations of the”Theology Guide,” plus some other resources. Hopefully it will grow over time. And, French and Spanish versions of The 3D Gospel, www.TheCultureTest.com, and the “Theology Guide” are forthcoming; so, it’ll be 10 languages soon.
Anyone is welcome to translate any honor-shame resources (check out “translation guidelines” at the very bottom here). If you know more resources to include, just email or post a link in the comment section of this post.
The page “Non-English Resources” is always available under the “Resources” tab on the homepage.

- Theology Guide
- wu-rong.org — Jackson Wu’s Chinese website
- Do You Want Face?, video by Jackson Wu
- Theology Guide
- Story of the Bible (3,000 words)
- “The Father’s Love” booklet
Translation Guidelines
We hope the resources of HonorShame.com will edify the global Church. The following conditions for translating resources are designed to ensure the best materials reach the most people.- First, inform us of your intent to translate. This avoids duplication and ensures a beneficial process. Contact info@HonorShame.com.
- Please translate the resource faithfully as written, preferably using vernacular language intelligible a broad audience. All translations must be second checked by a native speaker. If you desire to change the content, please contact us first. We are open to everything within the bounds of orthodoxy!
- Documents must somewhere include “Translated with permission from HonorShame.com,” preferably with the URL hyperlinked for frictionless access.
- You must provide a finished, electronic translation to HonorShame.com to be posted at this page, so it can be accessed and utilized by others free of charge. This is the most important point.
- We also reserve the right to make future edits and produce new digital or print versions of the resource.
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