More Conference Resources
All the resources from the 2017 Honor-Shame Conference are now available online. This includes edited videos and presenter materials from all the workshops.
New Videos
Since first announcing the videos, we have added these four presentations to the YouTube playlist:
1.Dr. David deSilva: “Reciprocity and Patronage in the NT: What does it Mean for the Gospel Today?”
2. Dr. Steve Hawthorne: “The Honor and Glory of Jesus Christ— Heart of the Gospel and Mission of God”
3. Dr. Tom Steffen: “A Clothesline Theology”
4. Rev. Martin Munyao, David Tarus: “Tribalism and Identity: Africa’s Identity Theology”
Presenter Materials
Many presenters have kindly agreed to make their PowerPoint/Keynote presentations and workshop notes publicly available. All of these resources are in this Dropbox folder. You can download, view and use these resources as you please in your ministry and teaching. When using these resources, please do cite them as you would any published resource.
Thank you for sending these to us directly. These are all very good and each unique in their own way and focus. I must say though, that Steve Hawthorne’s message elevating the Glory of God\Jesus was stunning. I was not just thrilled, I was spellbound by God’s greatness and honor!!
This video by Steve Hong has also just been added to the YouTube playlist: “City Evangelism with an Honor-Shame Framework”