6 Great Sermons on Shame & Honor
People often ask me about good sermons on the topic of shame, but there are not very many.
Recently I’ve listened to an amazing 6-part sermon series “He Covers Our Shame” by Dr. Beau Hughes at The Village Church of Denton, Texas. The sermons are first-rate into terms of biblical explanation and spiritual application. They are available to download and stream at the church website.
The six sermon titles are:

- What Is Shame?
- Where Does Shame Come From?
- The Cycle of Shame
- Despising Our Shame
- He Covers our Shame
- The Hope of Glory
For Advent, our church focused on shame within the Christmas story.
Thanks Jayson – excellent series of messages indeed!
Here are a few other links to honor-shame messages:
Unashamed of the Powerful Gospel – Philip Jensen – Sydney, Australia
The Tale of Two Sons – John MacArthur
Honor the Name of the Lord – on the 3rd Commandment – Pastor Rodney Pearce, Calvary Bible Church, PA
click on the link and then go to Jan 19, 2014 (currently choose page 21)
John Piper: The Effect of Hypocriscy – Dishonoring God …Romans 2:17-24
John Piper: Honor Thy Majestic Father ….Malachi 1:6-14
Scripture Is about Our Shame – Ed Welch (video YouTube)
Dear Dr Hughes and Brother Garrett, Truly your “He Covers Our Shame” sermon series has profoundly impacted my life. As a lifelong Lutheran Christian I have heard many life changing sermons and also many, that I admit, regrettably forgot. Thank You and Bless You in your Holy Spirit led ministry for the proclamation of redemption and salvation through the work of Jesus Christ, Our King. I live too many hundreds of miles north of you, in Wisconsin, to be able to attend Worship at The Village Church, however I am so very grateful that I could be in the midst of your congregation (and Beloved and you called us) as you spoke. I hope to continue to follow you over the miles and for as long as our great God has me serve him this side of heaven.
Thanks for compiling this list. I curated a list of sermons on shame by Asian Americans, which tend to have a whole different perspective than a Western-cultured American. The list Asian American sermons on shame is at https://djchuang.com/2018/asian-american-sermons-on-shame/