7 Honor-Shame Papers @ EMS

There will be 7 sessions in the “Honor-Shame” tract at the national meeting of the Evangelical Missiological Society (October 12-14, 2018 at SIL in Dallas, TX). The track moderator Chris Flanders has pulled together some great presenters and topics. This event will definitely be worthwhile if you can attend. After many years of honor-shame being overlooked in missiology, this is a delight to see such a rich conversation taking place. 

Here are the paper titles:

  1. Avoid the Shame of a Message that is “Bad News” for the Eastern Mind (Mark Harlan, Dallas International University)
  2. Honor Shame Dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa (Rick Calenberg, Dallas Theological Seminary, and S. E. Freeman, LogosLife International)
  3. Honor Restored: The Compelling Story of Creating an Honor-Shame App (Chris Sneller, Bridges International, Houston Baptist University)
  4. Conviction and Elenctics: Bringing Shame upon an Honored Missiological Paradigm (Chris Flanders, Abilene Christian University)
  5. Shame and Secularization: A Collateral Coalescence and Implications for Evangelism (Bud Simon, Asbury Theological Seminary)
  6. Secularization and Social Control in Alaskan Eskimo Culture: Shifting from Fear/Power to Honor/Shame (John Ferch, Western Seminary)
  7. The Impact of Honor/Shame Issues on Mission and Evangelism (Panel Discussion)


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