HS in the blogosphere

This week I encountered 3 blogs exploring HonorShame realities in relation to vocation, Asian-American theology, and gender mutuality.  They all got me thinking in new directions for developing a truly Christian theology for honor-shame contexts.  Enjoy the reading, and join the conversations! 1-  “Honor, Shame, and Vocation” by Laura Merzig Fabrycky of the Washington Institute for Faith, Vocation, and Culture.  Lots of good questions from years of living in the Arab world, so join the conversation there!
  • What does the concept of vocation mean for persons in an honor culture?
  • In what ways can we use our vocations to confer honor and dignity upon others?
2- “A Better Gospel for Chinese People and Asian Cultures” by DJ Chuang.  As an Asian-American he asks how to meaningful present the gospel to Chinese-Americans and other Asian cultures.  Any thoughts?

3- “The ‘Shame’ of the Unnamed Women of the OT” at NewLife blog.  How do we understand patriarchy and ‘nameless’ women in the OT, in a way that rightly honors all people?

Also, Jackson Wu often explores HonorShame in biblical theology and Chinese Christianity, with great depth and insight.  Check out the “Romans 23 Principle”, and be sure to subscribe!

NEXT: To continue the previous serious How Narratives Subvert Honor Codes, the next blogs will explore Jesus’ subversive parable about an honorable father with 2 sons.

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2 Comments on “HS in the blogosphere

  1. Great to see more blogs dealing with the honor/shame dynamic and thinking through implications for the church and Christian living. wernermischke.org is another blog additional the ones you mentioned above. I also have been writing a few posts on our blog ‘At the Edge of the Kalahari’ http://blog.zebrapost.net/ in regard to our journey into this topic after ‘stumbling into it’ after many years as missionaries in the African context. It has revolutionised and revitalised our ministry and we are seeing lives liberated from the bondage of mis-placed shame and honour.

    • Wow, thanks for mentioning those. Your recent post on Job was great, thanks! In the few months HonorShame.com has been up, I’ve been amazed how many people share that narrative of having their ministry positively impacted by a new sensitivity to the dynamics of HS in culture and scripture. In developing trainings and theology, its my heart to that our co-laborers understand HS earlier in their ministry (even before crossing-culture), and not after many years. Godspeed!

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