Honor-Shame Training: Cambodia

Honor & Shame Ministry Training Workshop

November 16 & 17 (8:30am – 5pm) in Phnom Penh Hosted by World Team. Registration will be available Sept 16-Nov 6, but mark your calendars for now. The cost and exact location TBD. Screen Shot 2015-04-11 at 3.46.43 PM The Honor-Shame training workshop equips Christian workers with the practical skills to understand and bless people of honor-shame cultures. We fuse academic research with seasoned field experience into an informative training experience. The workshop examines honor and shame in 3 spheres. 1) Culture & Relationships
  • What is honor and shame?
  • What are the prominent features of HS (honor-shame) cultures?
  • How can we build better relationships in HS contexts?
  • How do we navigate conflict without shaming people?
2) Scripture & Theology
  • What are the main verses about HS?
  • How does the Bible communicate a theology of HS?
  • How does HS help us understand salvation-history in the Bible?
  • How can we reframe theology (God, sin, atonement, etc.) in HS language?
3) Practical Ministry
  • What can we join in God’s mission of honoring all people?
  • How can we share the gospel with HS people?
  • What is discipleship in an HS context?
  • How can church-planting and development projects be fruitful in HS cultures?
The workshop is an interactive teaching with videos, discussions, exercises, activities, and stories to engage adult learning styles. All participants receive a workbook and a PDF copy of The 3D Gospel: Ministry in Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures. For more info, email info@HonorShame.com.

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