Lectures by Dr. Te-Li Lau

On Thursday, November 7, Dr. Te-Li Lau Trinity Evangelical Divinity School will present research about emotion and shame in Paul. You may join us in Abilene, Texas, or register for free to join online. To stream the lectures, register at https://acu-edu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8z0mpw_SS5WoxWzUhJ03eA#/registration

Am I responsible for my emotions or lack of them? Does Scripture command me to have specific emotions? In this lecture series, Lau will briefly probe the role of emotions in our spiritual formation. First, he will discuss the role that one specific emotion (shame) plays in Pauline ethics. Second, he will provide a foundational overview of the role of emotions in our spiritual formation.

4 p.m. CST – Listening to Pauline Shame

7 p.m. CST – Emotions and Spiritual Formation

Dr. Te-Li Lau grew up in Singapore. He studied electrical engineering at Stanford and worked as a computer engineer in Silicon Valley for 10 years, obtaining several patents in the field of computer engineering. After sensing God’s call to ministry, he completed his theological studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Emory and then joined the faculty at TEDS in 2008. His publications include Defending Shame: Its Formative Power in Paul’s Letters (Baker, 2020), The Politics of Peace: Ephesians, Dio Chrysostom and the Confucian Four Books (Brill, 2010) and the introduction for Ephesians in the NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible (2015).

For more information, contact csart@acu.edu.

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