About Jayson Georges

- The 3D Gospel: Ministry in Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures (Timē Press, 2014)
- Ministering in Honor-Shame Cultures: Biblical Foundations and Practical Essentials, co-authored with Mark D. Baker (IVP Academic, 2016)
- 1 Peter: An Honor-Shame Paraphrase (Timē Press, 2017)
- Esther: An Honor-Shame Paraphrase (Timē Press, 2017)
- Psalms: An Honor-Shame Paraphrase (Timē Press, 2018)
- Malachi: An Honor-Shame Paraphrase (Timē Press, 2019)
- Ministering in Patronage Cultures: Biblical Models and Missional Implications (IVP Academic, 2019)
“Putting ‘Faith’ In Context.“ Modern Reformation (July-Aug 2017)
“Get Face, Give Face: A Biblical Paradigm for Mission in Honor-Shame Contexts.” Evangelical Missions Quarterly (June 2017).
“Honor and Shame in God’s Mission.” Lausanne Global Analysis (March 2017)
“Our Culture Shock: Practical Advice for Teaching International Students from Honor-Shame Cultures.” Christian Educators Journal. (February 2017).
“Transforming Honor: Biblical Morality and Ethics in Honor-Shame Contexts.” In Reconciliation in Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures, ed. Paul DeNeui (Pasadena, CA: William Carey Press, 2017).
- “Reconstructing Central Asian Honor Codes via Orality.” In Beyond Literate Western Contexts: Honor & Shame and Assessment of Orality Preference, ed. Samuel E. Chiang and Grant Lovejoy (Hong Kong: International Orality Network, 2015).
- “Why Has Nobody Told Me This?: The Gospel the World is Waiting For.” Mission Frontiers 37:1 (2015).
- “Dignification: An Exegetical Soteriology of Divine Honor.” Scottish Journal of Theology 66:1(2013)
- “From Shame to Honor: A Theological Reading of Romans for Honor-Shame Contexts.” Missiology 38:3 (2010).
- “A Missionary Ethic of Economic Affluence.” Evangelical Missions Quarterly 45:3 (2009).
- “A Muslim Theology of Jesus’ Birth and Death.” Evangelical Missions Quarterly 41:4 (2005). Republished in EMQ’s best-of compilation Envisioning Effective Ministry, eds. Laurie Nichols and Gary Corwin (Wheaton, IL: EMIS, 2010).
- Websites: www.HonorShame.com (2013), www.TheCultureTest.com (2014).
My current research interests are theology of patronage and Byzantine monasticism. In other areas of life, I enjoy playing any sport with a ball, mountain biking, reading international news, and discussing honor and shame from any possible angle. Feel free to contact me at info@honorshame.com.
Hello Sir,
I am Finny Hemkumar from India, 32 years, had just getting equipped for GODS Ministry.
I had read your book Ministering in Honour Shame cultures. Praising GOD for this book, Praising him for the revelation of honour shame!!!This book changed my perception. May GOD BLESS You and continue to use you more and more.