Event Registration: The Patronage Symposium

Since the 1970’s academic anthropologists have noted the centrality of patronage in global cultures, and in recent decades New Testament scholars are observing the role of patronage in biblical cultures. But regrettably, Christian missiologists and practitioners rarely examine this topic. This upcoming October a focused group of people will gather at Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Beirut, Lebanon to present and collaborate on a Christian view of patronage. 

Please consider joining us at The Patronage Symposium: Exploring the Gospel in Patron-Client Contexts. Event and registration information is at https://honorshame.com/patronage/. The quality and diversity of people who are scheduled and pre-registered indicates we will have a wonderful and rich time together! 

Also, please help share about this event with others who might be interested. Do you know anyone who has researched patronage? Or, do you know a Christian who is respected in their community because they act as a benevolent patron?Their participation would be greatly appreciated.